LYGIA Shader Library

shift (lygia/v1.1.6/color/dither/shift)

Vlachos 2016, "Advanced VR Rendering"


<vec4|vec3|float> ditherShift(<vec4|vec3|float> value, <float> time)

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float ditherShift(float b, float time) {
    //Bit-depth of display. Normally 8 but some LCD monitors are 7 or even 6-bit.   
    float dither_bit = 8.0; 

    vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy;
    st += 1337.0*fract(time);
    //Calculate grid position
    float grid_position = fract( dot( st - vec2(0.5,0.5) , vec2(1.0/16.0,10.0/36.0) + 0.25 ) );

    //Calculate how big the shift should be
    float dither_shift = (0.25) * (1.0 / (pow(2.0,dither_bit) - 1.0));

    //modify shift acording to grid position.
    dither_shift = mix(2.0 * dither_shift, -2.0 * dither_shift, grid_position); //shift acording to grid position.

    //shift the color by dither_shift
    return b + 0.5/255.0 + dither_shift; 

vec3 ditherShift(vec3 rgb, float time) {
    //Bit-depth of display. Normally 8 but some LCD monitors are 7 or even 6-bit.   
    float dither_bit = 8.0; 

    //Calculate grid position
    vec2 st = gl_FragCoord.xy;
    st += 1337.0*fract(time);
    float grid_position = fract( dot( st - vec2(0.5,0.5) , vec2(1.0/16.0,10.0/36.0) + 0.25 ) );

    //Calculate how big the shift should be
    float dither_shift = (0.25) * (1.0 / (pow(2.0,dither_bit) - 1.0));

    //Shift the individual colors differently, thus making it even harder to see the dithering pattern
    vec3 dither_shift_RGB = vec3(dither_shift, -dither_shift, dither_shift);
    vec3 dither_shift_RGB = vec3(dither_shift);

    //modify shift acording to grid position.
    dither_shift_RGB = mix(2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, -2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, grid_position); //shift acording to grid position.

    //shift the color by dither_shift
    return rgb + 0.5/255.0 + dither_shift_RGB; 

vec4 ditherShift(vec4 rgba, float time) {
    return vec4(ditherShift(rgba.rgb, time), rgba.a);



<float4|float3|float> ditherShift(<float4|float3|float> value, <float> time)

Check it on Github




float ditherShift(float b, float2 fragcoord, float time) {
    //Bit-depth of display. Normally 8 but some LCD monitors are 7 or even 6-bit.   
    float dither_bit = 8.0; 

    fragcoord += 1337.0*frac(time);
    //Calculate grid position
    float grid_position = frac( dot( fragcoord - float2(0.5,0.5) , float2(1.0/16.0,10.0/36.0) + 0.25 ) );

    //Calculate how big the shift should be
    float dither_shift = (0.25) * (1.0 / (pow(2.0,dither_bit) - 1.0));

    //modify shift acording to grid position.
    dither_shift = lerp(2.0 * dither_shift, -2.0 * dither_shift, grid_position); //shift acording to grid position.

    //shift the color by dither_shift
    return b + 0.5/255.0 + dither_shift; 

float3 ditherShift(float3 rgb, float2 fragcoord, float time) {
    //Bit-depth of display. Normally 8 but some LCD monitors are 7 or even 6-bit.   
    float dither_bit = 8.0; 

    //Calculate grid position
    fragcoord += 1337.0*frac(time);
    float grid_position = frac( dot( fragcoord - float2(0.5, 0.5) , float2(1.0/16.0,10.0/36.0) + 0.25 ) );

    //Calculate how big the shift should be
    float dither_shift = (0.25) * (1.0 / (pow(2.0,dither_bit) - 1.0));

    //Shift the individual colors differently, thus making it even harder to see the dithering pattern
    float3 dither_shift_RGB = float3(dither_shift, -dither_shift, dither_shift);
    float3 dither_shift_RGB = float3(dither_shift, dither_shift, dither_shift);

    //modify shift acording to grid position.
    dither_shift_RGB = lerp(2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, -2.0 * dither_shift_RGB, grid_position); //shift acording to grid position.

    //shift the color by dither_shift
    return rgb + 0.5/255.0 + dither_shift_RGB; 

float4 ditherShift(float4 rgba, float2 fragcoord, float time) {
    return float4(ditherShift(rgba.rgb, fragcoord, time), rgba.a);



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