LYGIA Shader Library

w2rgb (lygia/v1.2.0/color/space/w2rgb)

wavelength between 400~700 nm to RGB



<vec3> w2rgb(<float> wavelength)

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#ifndef FNC_W2RGB
#define FNC_W2RGB

vec3 w2rgb(const in float w) {

#if defined( W2RGB_FNC )
    float x = saturate((w - 400.0) * 0.00333333333);
    #if defined(W2RGB_ITERATIONS)
    vec3 sum = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    for (float i = 0.; i < W2RGB_ITERATIONS ;i++) {
        sum +=  W2RGB_FNC(x * (1. - i * .003)) / W2RGB_ITERATIONS;
    return sum;

    return W2RGB_FNC (x);


    vec3 c = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    if ((w>=400.0)&&(w<410.0)) {        float t=(w-400.0)/(410.0-400.0); c.r=    +(0.33*t)-(0.20*t*t); }
    else if ((w>=410.0)&&(w<475.0)) {   float t=(w-410.0)/(475.0-410.0); c.r=0.14         -(0.13*t*t); }
    else if ((w>=545.0)&&(w<595.0)) {   float t=(w-545.0)/(595.0-545.0); c.r=    +(1.98*t)-(     t*t); }
    else if ((w>=595.0)&&(w<650.0)) {   float t=(w-595.0)/(650.0-595.0); c.r=0.98+(0.06*t)-(0.40*t*t); }
    else if ((w>=650.0)&&(w<700.0)) {   float t=(w-650.0)/(700.0-650.0); c.r=0.65-(0.84*t)+(0.20*t*t); }

    if ((w>=415.0)&&(w<475.0)) {        float t=(w-415.0)/(475.0-415.0); c.g=          +(0.80*t*t); }
    else if ((w>=475.0)&&(w<590.0)) {   float t=(w-475.0)/(590.0-475.0); c.g=0.8 +(0.76*t)-(0.80*t*t); }
    else if ((w>=585.0)&&(w<639.0)) {   float t=(w-585.0)/(639.0-585.0); c.g=0.82-(0.80*t)           ; }

    if ((w>=400.0)&&(w<475.0)) {        float t=(w-400.0)/(475.0-400.0); c.b=    +(2.20*t)-(1.50*t*t); }
    else if ((w>=475.0)&&(w<560.0)) {   float t=(w-475.0)/(560.0-475.0); c.b=0.7 -(     t)+(0.30*t*t); }

    return c;




<float3> w2rgb(<float> wavelength)

Check it on Github

#ifndef FNC_W2RGB
#define FNC_W2RGB
float3 w2rgb(float w) {

    #if defined(W2RGB_APPROXIMATION_FNC)
    float x = saturate((w - 400.0)/ 300.0);
    return gamma2linear( W2RGB_APPROXIMATION_FNC(x) );



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