LYGIA Shader Library

fresnelReflection (lygia/v1.2.0/lighting/fresnelReflection)

Resolve fresnel coeficient and apply it to a reflection. It can apply iridescence to using a formula based on



<vec3> fresnelReflection(<vec3> R, <vec3> f0, <float> NoV)
<vec3> fresnelIridescentReflection(<vec3> normal, <vec3> view, <vec3> f0, <vec3> ior1, <vec3> ior2, <float> thickness, <float> roughness)
<vec3> fresnelReflection(<Material> _M)

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#define FRESNEL_REFLECTION_RGB vec3(612.0, 549.0, 464.0)


vec3 fresnelReflection(const in vec3 R, const in vec3 f0, const in float NoV) {
    vec3 frsnl = fresnel(f0, NoV);

    vec3 reflectColor = vec3(0.0);
    reflection = FRESNEL_REFLECTION_FNC(R);
    reflectColor = envMap(R, 1.0, 0.001);

    return reflectColor * frsnl;

vec3 fresnelReflection(const in vec3 R, const in vec3 Fr) {
    vec3 reflectColor = vec3(0.0);
    reflection = FRESNEL_REFLECTION_FNC(R);
    reflectColor = envMap(R, 1.0, 0.001);
    return reflectColor * Fr;

vec3 fresnelIridescentReflection(vec3 normal, vec3 view, float f0, float ior1, float ior2, float thickness, float roughness, 
                                 inout float Fr) {
    float cos0 = -dot(view, normal);
    Fr = fresnel(f0, cos0);
    float T = 1.0 - Fr;
    float a = ior1/ior2;
    float cosi2 = sqrt(1.0 - a * a * (1.0 - cos0*cos0));
    vec3 shift = 4.0 * PI * (thickness/FRESNEL_REFLECTION_RGB) * ior2 * cosi2 + HALF_PI;
    vec3 irid = Fr * ( 1.0 + T * ( T + 2.0 * cos(shift) ) );
    vec3 ref = envMap(reflect(view, normal), roughness, 0.0);
    return (ref + pow5(ref)) * irid;

vec3 fresnelIridescentReflection(vec3 normal, vec3 view, float f0, float ior1, float ior2, float thickness, float roughness) {
    float Fr = 0.0;
    return fresnelIridescentReflection(normal, view, f0, ior1, ior2, thickness, roughness, Fr);

vec3 fresnelIridescentReflection(vec3 normal, vec3 view, vec3 f0, vec3 ior1, vec3 ior2, float thickness, float roughness,
                                 inout vec3 Fr) {
    float cos0 = -dot(view, normal);
    Fr = fresnel(f0, cos0);
    vec3 T = 1.0 - Fr;
    vec3 a = ior1/ior2;
    vec3 cosi2 = sqrt(1.0 - a * a * (1.0 - cos0*cos0));
    vec3 shift = 4.0 * PI * (thickness/FRESNEL_REFLECTION_RGB) * ior2 * cosi2 + HALF_PI;
    vec3 irid = Fr * ( 1.0 + T * ( T + 2.0 * cos(shift) ) );
    vec3 ref = envMap(reflect(view, normal), roughness, 0.0);
    return (ref + pow5(ref)) * irid;

vec3 fresnelIridescentReflection(vec3 normal, vec3 view, vec3 f0, vec3 ior1, vec3 ior2, float thickness, float roughness) {
    vec3 Fr = vec3(0.0);
    return fresnelIridescentReflection(normal, view, f0, ior1, ior2, thickness, roughness, Fr);

vec3 fresnelIridescentReflection(vec3 normal, vec3 view, float ior1, float ior2, float thickness, float roughness) {
    float F0 = (ior2-1.)/(ior2+1.);
    return fresnelIridescentReflection(normal, view, F0 * F0, ior1, ior2, thickness, roughness);

vec3 fresnelIridescentReflection(vec3 normal, vec3 view, vec3 ior1, vec3 ior2, float thickness, float roughness) {
    vec3 F0 = (ior2-1.)/(ior2+1.);
    return fresnelIridescentReflection(normal, view, F0 * F0, ior1, ior2, thickness, roughness);

vec3 fresnelReflection(const in Material _M) {
    return fresnelIridescentReflection(_M.normal, -_M.V, _M.f0, vec3(IOR_AIR), _M.ior, _M.thickness, _M.roughness);
    return fresnelReflection(_M.R, _M.f0, _M.NoV) * (1.0-_M.roughness);




<float3> fresnel(const <float3> f0, <float> LoH)
<float3> fresnel(<float3> _R, <float3> _f0, <float> _NoV)

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float3 fresnelReflection(float3 R, float3 f0, float NoV) {
    float3 frsnl = fresnel(f0, NoV);

    float3 reflectColor = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    reflection = FRESNEL_REFLECTION_FNC(R);

    #elif defined(ENVMAP_FNC) 
    reflectColor = ENVMAP_FNC(R, 0.001, 0.001);

    #elif defined(SCENE_CUBEMAP)

    #elif defined(SCENE_SH_ARRAY)
    reflectColor = sphericalHarmonics(R);

    reflectColor = fakeCube(R);

    return reflectColor * frsnl;



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fn fresnelReflection(R: vec3f, f0: vec3f, NoV: f32) -> {
    let frsnl = fresnel(f0, NoV);

    let reflectColor = vec3f(0.0);
    reflectColor = envMap(R, 1.0, 0.001);

    return reflectColor * frsnl;

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