)Calculate point light
<void> lightPointEvaluate(<LightPoint> L, <Material> mat, inout <ShadingData> shadingData)
void lightPointEvaluate(LightPoint L, Material mat, inout ShadingData shadingData) {
float Ldist = length(L.position);
vec3 Ldirection = L.position/Ldist;
shadingData.L = Ldirection;
shadingData.H = normalize(Ldirection + shadingData.V);
shadingData.NoL = saturate(dot(shadingData.N, Ldirection));
shadingData.NoH = saturate(dot(shadingData.N, shadingData.H));
float shadow = raymarchSoftShadow(mat.position, Ldirection);
float shadow = 1.0;
float dif = diffuse(shadingData);
vec3 spec = specular(shadingData);
vec3 lightContribution = L.color * L.intensity * shadow * shadingData.NoL;
if (L.falloff > 0.0)
lightContribution *= falloff(Ldist, L.falloff);
shadingData.directDiffuse += max(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), shadingData.diffuseColor * lightContribution * dif);
shadingData.directSpecular += max(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), lightContribution * spec) * shadingData.energyCompensation;
// TODO:
// - make sure that the shadow use a perspective projection
float scatterVoH = saturate(dot(shadingData.V, -Ldirection));
float forwardScatter = exp2(scatterVoH * mat.subsurfacePower - mat.subsurfacePower);
float backScatter = saturate(shadingData.NoL * mat.subsurfaceThickness + (1.0 - mat.subsurfaceThickness)) * 0.5;
float subsurface = mix(backScatter, 1.0, forwardScatter) * (1.0 - mat.subsurfaceThickness);
shadingData.directDiffuse += mat.subsurfaceColor * (subsurface * diffuseLambertConstant());
<void> lightPointEvaluate(<LightPoint> L, <Material> mat, inout <ShadingData> shadingData)
void lightPointEvaluate(LightPoint L, Material mat, inout ShadingData shadingData) {
float Ldist = length(L.position);
float3 Ldirection = L.position/Ldist;
shadingData.L = Ldirection;
shadingData.H = normalize(Ldirection + shadingData.V);
shadingData.NoL = saturate(dot(shadingData.N, Ldirection));
shadingData.NoH = saturate(dot(shadingData.N, shadingData.H));
float shadow = raymarchSoftShadow(mat.position, Ldirection);
float shadow = 1.0;
float dif = diffuse(shadingData);
float3 spec = specular(shadingData);
float3 lightContribution = L.color * L.intensity * shadow * shadingData.NoL;
if (L.falloff > 0.0)
lightContribution *= falloff(Ldist, L.falloff);
shadingData.directDiffuse += max(float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), shadingData.diffuseColor * lightContribution * dif);
shadingData.directSpecular += max(float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), lightContribution * spec) * shadingData.energyCompensation;
// TODO:
// - make sure that the shadow use a perspective projection
float scatterVoH = saturate(dot(shadingData.V, -Ldirection));
float forwardScatter = exp2(scatterVoH * mat.subsurfacePower - mat.subsurfacePower);
float backScatter = saturate(shadingData.NoL * mat.subsurfaceThickness + (1.0 - mat.subsurfaceThickness)) * 0.5;
float subsurface = lerp(backScatter, 1.0, forwardScatter) * (1.0 - mat.subsurfaceThickness);
shadingData.directDiffuse += mat.subsurfaceColor * (subsurface * diffuseLambertConstant());
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