LYGIA Shader Library

shading (lygia/lighting/raymarch/shading)

Material Constructor. Designed to integrate with GlslViewer's defines



void raymarchMaterial(in <vec3> ro, in <vec3> rd, out material _mat)
material raymarchMaterial(in <vec3> ro, in <vec3> rd)

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#define LIGHT_POSITION vec3(0.0, 10.0, -50.0)

#define LIGHT_COLOR vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

#define RAYMARCH_AMBIENT vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

#define RAYMARCH_SHADING_FNC raymarchDefaultShading


vec4 raymarchDefaultShading(Material m, ShadingData shadingData) {

    // This are here to be access by RAYMARCH_AMBIENT 
    vec3 worldNormal = m.normal;
    vec3 worldPosition = m.position;

    #if defined(LIGHT_DIRECTION)
    vec3 lig = normalize(LIGHT_DIRECTION);
    vec3 lig = normalize(LIGHT_POSITION - m.position);

    vec3 ref = reflect(-shadingData.V, m.normal);
    float occ = raymarchAO(m.position, m.normal);

    vec3 hal = normalize(lig + shadingData.V);
    float amb = saturate(0.5 + 0.5 * m.normal.y);
    float dif = saturate(dot(m.normal, lig));
    float bac = saturate(dot(m.normal, normalize(vec3(-lig.x, 0.0, -lig.z)))) * saturate(1.0 - m.position.y);
    float dom = smoothstep( -0.1, 0.1, ref.y );
    float fre = pow(saturate(1.0 + dot(m.normal, -shadingData.V)), 2.0);

    dif *= raymarchSoftShadow(m.position, lig);
    dom *= raymarchSoftShadow(m.position, ref);

    vec3 env = RAYMARCH_AMBIENT;
    vec3 shade = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    shade += 1.30 * dif * LIGHT_COLOR;
    shade += 0.40 * amb * occ * env;
    shade += 0.50 * dom * occ * env;
    shade += 0.50 * bac * occ * 0.25;
    shade += 0.25 * fre * occ;

    return vec4(m.albedo.rgb * shade, m.albedo.a);




void raymarchMaterial(in <float3> ro, in <float3> rd, out material _mat)
material raymarchMaterial(in <float3> ro, in <float3> rd)

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#define LIGHT_POSITION float3(0.0, 10.0, -50.0)

#define LIGHT_COLOR float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

#define RAYMARCH_AMBIENT float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

#define RAYMARCH_SHADING_FNC raymarchDefaultShading


float4 raymarchDefaultShading(Material m, ShadingData shadingData) {

    // This are here to be access by RAYMARCH_AMBIENT 
    float3 worldNormal = m.normal;
    float3 worldPosition = m.position;

    #if defined(LIGHT_DIRECTION)
    float3 lig = normalize(LIGHT_DIRECTION);
    float3 lig = normalize(LIGHT_POSITION - m.position);

    float3 ref = reflect(-shadingData.V, m.normal);
    float occ = raymarchAO(m.position, m.normal);

    float3 hal = normalize(lig + shadingData.V);
    float amb = saturate(0.5 + 0.5 * m.normal.y);
    float dif = saturate(dot(m.normal, lig));
    float bac = saturate(dot(m.normal, normalize(float3(-lig.x, 0.0, -lig.z)))) * saturate(1.0 - m.position.y);
    float dom = smoothstep( -0.1, 0.1, ref.y );
    float fre = pow(saturate(1.0 + dot(m.normal, -shadingData.V)), 2.0);

    dif *= raymarchSoftShadow(m.position, lig);
    dom *= raymarchSoftShadow(m.position, ref);

    float3 env = RAYMARCH_AMBIENT;
    float3 shade = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    shade += 1.30 * dif * LIGHT_COLOR;
    shade += 0.40 * amb * occ * env;
    shade += 0.50 * dom * occ * env;
    shade += 0.50 * bac * occ * 0.25;
    shade += 0.25 * fre * occ;

    return float4(m.albedo.rgb * shade, m.albedo.a);




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