)Stable fluid simulation inspired on Lattice Boltzmann method described in Where the reading texture is structure as follow XY is the ordered energy that (moves the bubble) B disordered energy that evaporates W internal mass (follow the bubble)
<vec2> LATTICEBOLTZMANN(<SAMPLER_TYPE> tex, <vec2> st, <vec2> pixel, <vec2> force)
// Rule 1: All My energy moves with me
// I should find My Energy not where it is, but where it was.
vec4 latticeBoltzmannPrevPosSampler(sampler2D tex, vec2 st, vec2 pixel) {
vec2 offset = LATTICEBOLTZMANN_SAMPLER_FNC(tex, st).xy;
return LATTICEBOLTZMANN_SAMPLER_FNC(tex, st - offset * pixel);
vec4 latticeBoltzmann(sampler2D tex, vec2 st, vec2 pixel) {
vec4 d = latticeBoltzmannPrevPosSampler(tex, st, pixel);
// Neighbors
vec4 pX = latticeBoltzmannPrevPosSampler(tex, st + vec2(pixel.x,0.0), pixel);
vec4 pY = latticeBoltzmannPrevPosSampler(tex, st + vec2(0.0,pixel.y), pixel);
vec4 nX = latticeBoltzmannPrevPosSampler(tex, st - vec2(pixel.x,0.0), pixel);
vec4 nY = latticeBoltzmannPrevPosSampler(tex, st - vec2(0.0,pixel.y), pixel);
// Rule 2: Disordered diffuses completely.
// All of my disordered Energy B comes from my neighborhood.
// Exchange disorder symmetrically in all direction
d.b = (pX.b + pY.b + nX.b + nY.b) * 0.25;
// Rule 3: Order in the disordered data creates Order (XY)
// The change in volatile Energy B across me will push Me in that direction.
d.xy += vec2(nX.b - pX.b, nY.b - pY.b) * 0.25;
// Rule 4: Disorder in the ordered data creates Disorder (B)
// The disorder in the order around Me, enters Me as disorder
d.b += (nX.x - pX.x + nY.y - pY.y) * 0.25;
// Mass concervation:
d.w += (nX.x * nX.w - pX.x * pX.w + nY.y * nY.w - pY.y * pY.w) * 0.25;
//Boundary conditions
if (st.x < pixel.x || st.y < pixel.y || st.x > (1.0 - pixel.x) || st.y > (1.0 - pixel.y) ) {
d.xy *= 0.;
return d;
vec4 latticeBoltzmann(sampler2D tex, vec2 st, vec2 pixel, vec2 force) {
vec4 d = latticeBoltzmann(tex, st, pixel);
d.xy += force * saturate(d.w) * pixel;
// d.xy = clamp(d.xy, -0.9999, 0.9999);
// = clamp(, 0.0001, 0.9999);
return d;
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