LYGIA Shader Library

mixBox (lygia/v1.1.6/color/mixBox)

Blending method for natural color mixing. It produces saturated gradients with hue shifts and natural secondary colors during blending. Yellow and blue make green. The interface is simple - RGB in, RGB out. Internally, Mixbox treats colors as real-life pigments using the Kubelka & Munk theory to predict realistic color behavior. That way, colors act like actual paints and bring more vibrance and intuition into digital painting. Learn more about it by checking Secret Weapons repository. Also notice that this code is for non-commercial use only. And you need to get in touch with them to download the LUT texture.



<vec3\vec4> mixBox(<vec3|vec4> colA, <vec3|vec4> colB, float pct)

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#ifndef MIXBOX_LUT 
#define MIXBOX_LUT u_tex0



#ifndef FNC_MIXBOX
#define FNC_MIXBOX

vec3 mixBox(vec3 c) {
    vec4 C = vec4(c, 1.0 - sum(c));
    vec4 S = C * C;
    vec3 V = C.xxy * C.yzz;
    return  (C.x*S.x) * vec3( 0.07717053,  0.02826978,  0.24832992) +
            (C.y*S.y) * vec3( 0.95912302,  0.80256528,  0.03561839) +
            (C.z*S.z) * vec3( 0.74683774,  0.04868586,  0.00000000) +
            (C.w*S.w) * vec3( 0.99518138,  0.99978149,  0.99704802) +
            (S.x*C.y) * vec3( 0.04819146,  0.83363781,  0.32515377) +
            (V.x*C.y) * vec3(-0.68146950,  1.46107803,  1.06980936) +
            (S.x*C.z) * vec3( 0.27058419, -0.15324870,  1.98735057) +
            (V.y*C.z) * vec3( 0.80478189,  0.67093710,  0.18424500) +
            (S.x*C.w) * vec3(-0.35031003,  1.37855826,  3.68865000) +
            (C.x*S.w) * vec3( 1.05128046,  1.97815239,  2.82989073) +
            (S.y*C.z) * vec3( 3.21607125,  0.81270228,  1.03384539) +
            (C.y*S.z) * vec3( 2.78893374,  0.41565549, -0.04487295) +
            (S.y*C.w) * vec3( 3.02162577,  2.55374103,  0.32766114) +
            (C.y*S.w) * vec3( 2.95124691,  2.81201112,  1.17578442) +
            (S.z*C.w) * vec3( 2.82677043,  0.79933038,  1.81715262) +
            (C.z*S.w) * vec3( 2.99691099,  1.22593053,  1.80653661) +
            (V.x*C.z) * vec3( 1.87394106,  2.05027182, -0.29835996) +
            (V.x*C.w) * vec3( 2.56609566,  7.03428198,  0.62575374) +
            (V.y*C.w) * vec3( 4.08329484, -1.40408358,  2.14995522) +
            (V.z*C.w) * vec3( 6.00078678,  2.55552042,  1.90739502);

MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE mixBox_rgb2latent(vec3 rgb) {
    rgb = saturate(rgb);
    rgb = rgb2srgb(rgb);
    vec3 lut = sample2DCube(MIXBOX_LUT, rgb).xyz;
    return MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE(lut, rgb - mixBox(lut), vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

vec3 mixBox_latent2rgb(MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE latent) {
    vec3 srgb = saturate( mixBox(latent[0]) + latent[1] );
    return srgb;
    return srgb2rgb(srgb);

vec3 mixBox(vec3 colA, vec3 colB, float t) {
    return mixBox_latent2rgb((1.0-t) * mixBox_rgb2latent(colA) + t * mixBox_rgb2latent(colB));

vec4 mixBox(vec4 colA, vec4 colB, float t) {
    return vec4(mixBox(colA.rgb, colB.rgb, t), mix(colA.a, colB.a, t));

vec3 mixBox(vec4 colA, vec4 colB, vec4 colC) {
    MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE cA = mixBox_rgb2latent(colA.rgb);
    MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE cB = mixBox_rgb2latent(colB.rgb);
    MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE cC = mixBox_rgb2latent(colC.rgb);
    return mixBox_latent2rgb( cA * colA.a + cB*colB.a + cC*colC.a );



<float3\float4> mixBox(<float3|float4> rgbA, <float3|float4> rgbB, float pct)

Check it on Github

#ifndef MIXBOX_LUT 
#define MIXBOX_LUT u_tex0


#define MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE float3x3

#ifndef FNC_MIXBOX
#define FNC_MIXBOX

float3 mixBox(float3 c) {
    float4 C = float4(c, 1.0 - sum(c));
    float4 S = C * C;
    float3 V = C.xxy * C.yzz;
    return  (C.x*S.x) * float3( 0.07717053,  0.02826978,  0.24832992) +
            (C.y*S.y) * float3( 0.95912302,  0.80256528,  0.03561839) +
            (C.z*S.z) * float3( 0.74683774,  0.04868586,  0.00000000) +
            (C.w*S.w) * float3( 0.99518138,  0.99978149,  0.99704802) +
            (S.x*C.y) * float3( 0.04819146,  0.83363781,  0.32515377) +
            (V.x*C.y) * float3(-0.68146950,  1.46107803,  1.06980936) +
            (S.x*C.z) * float3( 0.27058419, -0.15324870,  1.98735057) +
            (V.y*C.z) * float3( 0.80478189,  0.67093710,  0.18424500) +
            (S.x*C.w) * float3(-0.35031003,  1.37855826,  3.68865000) +
            (C.x*S.w) * float3( 1.05128046,  1.97815239,  2.82989073) +
            (S.y*C.z) * float3( 3.21607125,  0.81270228,  1.03384539) +
            (C.y*S.z) * float3( 2.78893374,  0.41565549, -0.04487295) +
            (S.y*C.w) * float3( 3.02162577,  2.55374103,  0.32766114) +
            (C.y*S.w) * float3( 2.95124691,  2.81201112,  1.17578442) +
            (S.z*C.w) * float3( 2.82677043,  0.79933038,  1.81715262) +
            (C.z*S.w) * float3( 2.99691099,  1.22593053,  1.80653661) +
            (V.x*C.z) * float3( 1.87394106,  2.05027182, -0.29835996) +
            (V.x*C.w) * float3( 2.56609566,  7.03428198,  0.62575374) +
            (V.y*C.w) * float3( 4.08329484, -1.40408358,  2.14995522) +
            (V.z*C.w) * float3( 6.00078678,  2.55552042,  1.90739502);

MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE mixBox_rgb2latent(float3 rgb) {
    rgb = saturate(rgb);
    rgb = rgb2srgb(rgb);
    float3 lut = sample2DCube(MIXBOX_LUT, rgb).xyz;
    return MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE(lut, rgb - mixBox(lut), float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

float3 mixBox_latent2rgb(MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE latent) {
    float3 srgb = saturate( mixBox(latent[0]) + latent[1] );
    return srgb;
    return srgb2rgb(srgb);

float3 mixBox(float3 colA, float3 colB, float t) {
    return mixBox_latent2rgb((1.0-t) * mixBox_rgb2latent(colA) + t * mixBox_rgb2latent(colB));

float4 mixBox(float4 colA, float4 colB, float t) {
    return float4(mixBox(colA.rgb, colB.rgb, t), lerp(colA.a, colB.a, t));

float3 mixBox(float4 colA, float4 colB, float4 colC) {
    MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE cA = mixBox_rgb2latent(colA.rgb);
    MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE cB = mixBox_rgb2latent(colB.rgb);
    MIXBOX_LATENT_TYPE cC = mixBox_rgb2latent(colC.rgb);
    return mixBox_latent2rgb( cA * colA.a + cB*colB.a + cC*colC.a );


Copyright (c) 2022, Secret Weapons. All rights reserved.

This code is for non-commercial use only. It is provided for research and evaluation purposes. If you wish to obtain commercial license, please contact:

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Sponsors and contributors are automatically added to the Patron License and they can ignore the any non-commercial rule of the Prosperity Licensed software (please take a look to the exception).

It's also possible to get a permanent comercial license hook to a single and specific version of LYGIA.

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